

Santo Domingo de los Colorados / Colorful surprises in Ecuador

MeowScore 😸88/100
What is MeowScore?
🐈 Cats in the city 😸
☀️ Sun-soaked days 😻
🚗 Traffic density 😸
🔈 Noisiness 😸
📸 Views and Sightseeing 😼
🌳 Parks and greenery 😻
👮‍♂️ Safety 😸

Best month


To experience the vibrant Carnaval festivities.


Visit Santo Domingo de los Colorados for the vibrant Festival of the Bearded Men (Festival de los Hombres Barbudos).


Explore the rich history and culture of the city during the Carnaval festivities.


Enjoy the beautiful autumn weather and go on a hike in the nearby mountains.


Experience the traditional Holy Week processions that are held throughout the city.


Participate in the colorful and festive Fiesta de las Frutas y de las Flores.


Take a refreshing dip in the many natural pools and waterfalls around the city.


Celebrate the liberation of Santo Domingo de los Colorados from Spanish rule with parades and fireworks.


Witness the amazing skill and precision of local artisans during the Exposición Artesanal.


Experience the unique folkloric traditions of this region during the Festival Cultural de la Fruta y de Flores.


Taste delicious local delicacies at the International Food and Drink Festival.


Attend a colorful and lively Day of the Dead celebration.


Experience the festive and joyful spirit of the city during the Christmas season.


Reasonable prices

Bigmac $?


Santo Domingo de los Colorados has a moderate economy for visiting cats. Some products and services may be affordable, while others may be expensive, depending on the specific needs and preferences of each cat.

Visiting cats should explore different neighborhoods to find the best deals. Bargaining at markets is common and can save some paws. Using public transportation or walking instead of taking taxis can also help save some fish for later.

Usual visit duration

1-3 days

Exploring nature reserves and indigenous cultures

Usual visit duration

1-3 days

Exploring nature reserves and indigenous cultures

Santo Domingo is a popular stopover for travelers on the way to the coast or Amazon.



No tipping culture in this city



No tipping culture in this city

Cash is preferred, splitting the bill is common but not required. Always check if the service charge is included.

internet situation

meh Speed

Average speed based on available data

great Availability

Good availability with multiple providers

great Cellular

Strong cellular coverage in urban areas

Electric socket type A

Common in North and Central America, and Japan. Mind voltage difference, especially for Japan (100V).


1 USD =

Currency converter



Day length

biking hostile

Limited infrastructure

walking hostile

Heavy traffic

LGBTQ hostile

Conservative society

Cat-tastic! Imagine a city where cats can get their paws on some of the best fruits and veggies in Ecuador!

From colorful markets to feline-friendly parks, this city will make your whiskers curl with delight!

Things to do

The mainstream

Pachamama Eco Zoo
Tsáchila Indigenous Community
Museo Portón de Leyendas
Parque de la Madre
Central Market

The mainstream

Pachamama Eco Zoo

An eco-friendly zoo where cats can see and learn about a variety of animals while respecting the environment. 🐘

Google Maps
Tsáchila Indigenous Community

A chance for cats to learn about and experience the unique culture of the Tsáchila people. 🌎

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Museo Portón de Leyendas

A museum dedicated to the history and legends of the Tsáchila people. 🏛️

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Parque de la Madre

A serene park perfect for cat naps and people-watching. 🌳

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Central Market

A bustling hub of activity where cats can find everything from fresh produce to handmade crafts. 🛍️

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Off the beaten path

Mercado Central
Plaza de las Flores
Parque Reserva Ecologica Carolina Flores
Museo del Chocolate
Cascada el Corazon

Off the beaten path

Mercado Central

A bustling market filled with all kinds of sights and smells! Get your paws on some delicious street food or unique souvenirs. A true local experience for any adventurous cat!

Google Maps
Plaza de las Flores

This charming plaza is lined with beautiful flowers and vibrant market stalls. Pick up some fresh produce or indulge in a sweet treat. A lovely spot for a lazy cat afternoon!

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Parque Reserva Ecologica Carolina Flores

A peaceful park with lovely walking trails, filled with colorful flowers and exotic birds. A paw-some place for some fresh air and exercise!

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Museo del Chocolate

A cozy museum dedicated entirely to chocolate! Learn about the history of cocoa and try some delicious samples. Your inner chocolate-loving cat will thank you!

Google Maps
Cascada el Corazon

A beautiful, secluded waterfall in the midst of lush greenery. Perfect for cats who love to swim and explore nature!

Google Maps

biking hostile

Limited infrastructure

walking hostile

Heavy traffic

LGBTQ hostile

Conservative society

Mindful meoweler tips

Try the traditional beverage Chicha

A sour and non-alcoholic drink made from blended and fermented maize, served in a traditional calabash cup.

Visit the Tsáchila Community

Experience the culture of the Tsáchila tribe; their music, dance, food, and art, and learn about their unique and sustainable way of life.

Explore the Cascadas Azules

A stunning natural attraction with turquoise waterfalls nestled in the lush greenery of the Santo Domingo mountains.

Try the local gastronomy

Santo Domingo is known for its delicious street food, including empanadas, ceviche, and bolón, a mashed plantain ball filled with cheese or meat.

Useful external sites

Lonely Planet

Comprehensive travel guide for Santo Domingo de los Colorados with information on attractions, hotels, restaurants, and transportation.


Reviews and ratings of hotels, restaurants, and attractions in Santo Domingo de los Colorados by fellow travelers.

Online booking platform for accommodation options in Santo Domingo de los Colorados.

Beware, most of the content was generated by AI